The Henson Journals

Sat 29 September 1917

Volume 21, Page 188


Saturday, September 29th, 1917.

1153rd day

I received the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. The post brought me several more letters approving my letter in the "Times". The "Times" has a communicated article on the Archbishops' Committee's Report. It comes down decisively on the side of the Baptismal Franchise. There are also two short letters on "Matins on Sunday" both on my side. I attended Evensong. Then Ella brought in a party from the Girls' Guides' meeting: & I showed them the Library. Then Lady Londonderry & her daughter Lady Ilchester held me talking for some while. After they had departed, I walked for an hour with : and then wrote to Carissima. After dinner I played chess with Elizabeth, & thus brought to an appropriate conclusion of frivolity a day which throughout its whole course had been marked by folly & wastage! It would seem that the depraving influence of War (on which the 'Nation' enlarges with much self–satisfaction) is by no means confined to those who are actually engaged in waging it!