The Henson Journals

Mon 9 April 1917

Volume 21, Page 15


Monday, April 9th, 1917.

980th day

The wind was very cold but the sun was shining when I went to the Cathedral for the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. I attended Mattins, and then went to the potato–patch by the white gate, and having put on my clogs at Jopling's house, set to work digging under Freeman's directions. I worked until noon, & then returned to the Deanery. An hour at such unaccustomed toil was enough for a start. I attended Evensong, and afterwards fell to reading an essay of De Quincey, "Whiggism in its relations to Literature", which is an acute though unfair criticism of the once famous Dr Parr. This divine was responsible for the following estimate of Sir Walter Scott's poetry.: "As to Walter Scott, his jingle will not outlive the next century. It is namby pamby."!