The Henson Journals

Sun 8 April 1917

Volume 21, Page 14


Easter Day, April 8th, 1917.

979th day

O Victorious and reigning Christ, stretch forth Thine Hand, and lift me from the deeps of sin & failure. Heal by Thy cleansing touch the foul diseases of my soul, and draw me to Thee with power which I cannot resist. Thou knowest all my fault, my folly, and my infinite distress of mind. Thy compassions fail not: Thy purpose is unchanging: Thy Might is supreme. Have mercy on me, I beseech Thee, and in Thy Light let me see Light. Let a ray of Thine Easter glory shine inwards on my spirit, & purge it of shadow and sin, that I may worship Thee this day in joy & purity.


I celebrated at 8. a.m. There seemed a fair number of communicants, among whom the choir–boys were conspicuous. But there were no soldiers, which disappointed me, though of course they may have been on duty. The weather, which had been dull to start with, improved as the day wore on. By Mattins the sun was shining brightly. There were but few communicants at the Choral Eucharist. I preached one of the sermons published in "Godly Union & Concord". Walter Jackson came in afterward. I gave him "The Fortunes of Nigel", as he leaves this term. Then I showed Lady Robinson the Library. I attended Evensong. The Cruickshanks and Miss Christopher came to tea: and afterwards the Meade–Falkners called. I had a long talk with M. F. about the careers of the Choir–boys.