The Henson Journals

Sat 31 March 1917

Volume 21, Page 9


Saturday, March 31st, 1917.

971st day

A pouring wet day. We packed before breakfast, & went back to London afterwards. On the way I read the "Church Times", which contains a rather venomous leader on the Dean of Durham. On arriving at Victoria, Ella went on with the luggage to 49 Warwick Square, and I walked to the Athenaeum. Here I found Beeching, and lunched. After lunch I wrote a letter to the "Record", under the heading "Exchange of Pulpits". The "Guardian" has a temperately worded, but hostile, leader: and a truncated report of my sermon. The earlier portion of the discourse is omitted altogether, amounting perhaps to as much as one third of the whole. I walked from the Club to Warwick Square, asking my way several times. Mr & Mrs Tallents were at home when I arrived, and we talked pleasantly together until it was time to dress for dinner. Miss Mowbray, the sister of Sir Robert Mowbray, came to dine. She is stout & brusque. Also mine host's daughter, Una Tallents, a very pretty, charming girl, who is engaged in nursing in a hospital near Farnham, and comes home to recuperate for one month – out of three.