The Henson Journals

Fri 30 March 1917

Volume 21, Page 9


Friday, March 30th, 1917.

970th day

The day started in cloud & rain, but it soon cleared, & finally grew into a splendid day. We spent it well. Ella, Beeching, and I set out after breakfast, and visited the old parish church of Eastbourne, a fine building with many interesting features. Nowhere else have I seen a piscina on the south wall at the level of the rood–loft. Presumably there must have been an altar on the rood loft in the pre–Reformation days. The late–Norman chancel arch makes a noble appearance in the Church. Leaving the Church we climbed to the top of the hill, and obtained a noble prospect of sea & land. In the afternoon we attended a lecture on Italy by Richard Bagot. It was interesting, but contributed no new facts to the sum of our knowledge. He trod "delicately" when referring to the action & influence of the Roman Church.