The Henson Journals

Thu 25 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 62


Thursday, January 25th, 1917.

906th day

'The grossest errors are but abuses of some noble truths.'


It is not less true that the grossest vices are but perversions of the best faculties, as Tacitus said, 'Corruptis optimi pessima.'

O God, give me a portion of the spirit of St Paul, something of his courage, of his sympathy, of his willingness to labour & suffer in the cause of Truth, of his large vision, of his readiness to abandon error, above all of his devotion to thy Blessed Son. Cleanse my conscience, illumine my understanding, kindle my heart, direct my life in the way of Thy service, through the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

I went to the cathedral at 8 a.m., and received the Holy Communion. Then I set to work on the Commemoration Sermon, & mainly finished it. Mr Salvin came to lunch. I attended Evensong. When I came out of service Mr Hale from Chester–le–Street came to see me in order to induce me to attend a "War Savings' Meeting on Feb 1st. I consented on condition that he wd fetch & return me. Several letters arrived by the afternoon post but nothing of any real value. Hughes took me down to the recreation rooms used by the troops. They were not crowded but apparently appreciated. After dinner I read my sermon aloud to Ella and Ernest. It did not please me at all.

There seems to be a general impression that the congregation on Saturday will be extremely small. Lord Durham & the Bishop of Newcastle announce their intention of coming & there will presumably be a few honorary canons!