The Henson Journals

Tue 9 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 86


Tuesday, January 9th, 1917.

890th day

Colonel & Mrs Ritson called for us in their motor at 10.30 a.m., and carried us to Muggleswick, where we arrived in good time for the service in the little parish church. There was much snow on the high ground, and the roads were bad travelling. About half–a–mile from the house, the motor refused to ascend a rising road, & we got out & walked. I dedicated the organ, choir stalls, and pulpit of carved oak, and gave a short address. These had been presented by the Ritson children in thanksgiving for their parents' 'golden wedding' commemoration. After the function, an address was presented to the old people by the parishioners. Then followed lunch, after which I proposed the health of Mr & Mrs Ritson: and Mr R. responded. We had some difficulty in surmounting the reluctance of the car to start homewards, but then accomplished the journey (through a heavy snow–storm) without mishap, arriving in the Deanery about 4.30 p.m.

Jim & Clara arrived shortly before dinner, having motored from Scotland mainly through snow. He is evidently much pleased with his D.S.O. which he appears to have not in the least expected. I started working through the numerous dedications of the books & sections of the books of Fuller's Church History. They are amazingly varied in form & substance, and all excellent. A very entertaining & edifying lecture might be made out of this single work, that is, of the dedicatory epistles which it contains. The dedication to Lord Cranfield prefixed to the 5th Book is of high value. It describes the loss of Fuller's library, and the gift by Lord C. of his father's notable collection of books, or rather of so many of them as remained. I think this 'dedicatory epistle' must be read in extenso as part of my lecture.