The Henson Journals

Mon 8 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 88


Monday, January 8th, 1917.

889th day

I attended Mattins and Evensong. There was no choir at either, the boys being away for the next fortnight. I wrote a short address for tomorrow's function, and then went through the Dedications of Jeremy Taylor's 'Works'. Colonel Herne, Major Craven, & Mr Bayley came to lunch, and afterwards I went round the Cathedral with Colonel Herne. He told me incidentally that he was of the High Church persuasion! The weather throughout the day was most unpleasant – high wind with floods of rain. Ella and I started to walk with Logic after Evensong, but were turned back by a deluge almost immediately. Ernest kept indoors all day, feeling rather sorry for himself. It was no suitable day for a man to travel in after an attack of influenza. The 2nd truck–load of coal was brought in this morning. By packing the coal into the cellar carefully it is hoped that as much as 18 tons will be placed in it: and the remaining 7 tons may be stacked in the smaller cellar by the kitchen.