The Henson Journals

Thu 9 November 1916

Volume 20, Page 244


Thursday, November 9th, 1916.

829th day

I went to the Cathedral at 8 a.m., & received the Holy Communion. The post brought me affectionate letters from Olive, my god–son Alfred, and Tommie Hall. Alfred is in the Naval Flying Corps, and under orders for the Front. Tommie has been rejected for "heart–trouble". Now I must prepare a sermon for the Mayor, who is to attend service in the cathedral next Sunday afternoon. I attended Mattins and Evensong. Also I presided at a meeting of the Library Committee, and walked with Logic. Falling in with Mrs Lillingston, I walked with her. Then I wrote several letters. After dinner I read to Ella for an hour Masson's Life of Milton, a discursive but learned & informing book, and then she read "Woodstock" to me for an hour. There is a picture of medieval croney–dom!