The Henson Journals

Tue 7 November 1916

Volume 20, Page 248


Tuesday, November 7th, 1916.

827th day

Caröe went off to West Hartlepool, and I 'wrastled' with a sermon for Assize Sunday. At least I have a text: "The law hath been our tutor to bring us unto Christ"; and I wrote a few pages, enough to disclose to myself a possible treatment! I attended Mattins and Evensong, and lunched with Cruickshank. The afternoon post brought me a letter from Ernest. He is evidently more cheerful, and has been reciting Shakespeare to his brother officers! He has made the acquaintance of Lord Darnley & shown the treasures of Cobham Hall. After Evensong I wrote to Ernest. Cruickshank and Bailey came to dinner; we had a good deal of architectural conversation. Caröe ventured the assertion that the Neville Screen, the monument of Edward III in Westminster Abbey, and Cardinal Bourchier's monument in Canterbury Cathedral were all the work of the same artist. He based his theory on the identity of the ornamentation in all these works, but I should like the evidence of identity before me before pronouncing on it.