The Henson Journals

Mon 6 November 1916

Volume 20, Page 248


Monday, November 6th, 1916.

826th day

Clarence Stock sends me a repulsive booklet repulsively designated 'Fecundity v. Civilisation, a contribution to the study of over–population as the cause of War and the chief obstacle to the Emancipation of Women with special reference to Germany by Adelyne Moore'.

I drafted a memorandum on our administration of the collegiate patronage, & ordered it to be circulated to the canons. I attended Mattins and Evensong. Then I walked in the bitter wind. At tea time Caröe arrived from Bishopthorpe. I wrote to Colin Kennedy. After dinner Caröe and I sate and talked. I drew forth from my shelves some of the older books, and we amused ourselves with them until bed–time.