The Henson Journals

Sun 22 October 1916

Volume 20, Page 282


18th Sunday after Trinity, October 22nd, 1916. Manchester.

811th day

O God, grant, I pray thee, that my words and deeds in this place may be ordered according to Thy Will, & that Thy Kingdom may be set forward, & not hindered, by my preaching in Thy House this day. Prepare the minds of Thy People by Thy Holy Spirit, & cleanse my message from all faults. Enable me – physically, mentally, spiritually – to deliver Thy Word to them, through Jesus Christ. Amen

I went with the rest to an ugly church hard by the house, and there received the Holy Communion. The Celebrant took the 'north end'. There is much to be said for these plain Georgian churches. Their acoustics are admirable; and their accommodation is ample. I attended Mattins in the Cathedral, & heard a sound & simple discourse on Prayer from the Bishop of Ely. There was a considerable congregation, but I find it difficult to accept mine host's assurance that it included no less than 1800 individuals. The practice of turning to the east at every 'Gloria' is followed in this cathedral, where it is said to have come down without a break from prae–Reformation times. I walked back to 65 Ardwick Green, buying a newspaper on the way. Here I learned that the Austrian Prime Minister had been assassinated. At lunch we had much talk about Biblical Criticism, Preaching, & other topics. I preached to an immense congregation at the evening service. The people overflowed into the outer portions of the Church, where their chance of hearing the sermon must have been slight. I repeated (with variations) the sermon I preached last Sunday at Newcastle. This is the 4th time of using that discourse, & on the 4th consecutive Sunday. If there be no report of it in the "Manchester Guardian", I shall, perhaps, use it again next Sunday at Sunderland. The denunciation of 'war–profits' needs to be rubbed in on these prosperous Northern Cities.