The Henson Journals

Sat 21 October 1916

Volume 20, Page 284


Saturday, October 21st, 1916.

810th day

A copy of the "Edinburgh Review" containing my article on "Church and State in England" arrived. The article is given the first place, & will, I hope, catch the eye of some people, who now move in a mist of ignorance along the oiled ways of faction. It contains the paragraph about Scotland, which is, I think, an improvement. Then I attended Mattins, and afterwards presided at a Meeting of the Chapter. Three matters, not of the pleasantest were left to me to be dealt with (1) The discovery of Mr Morgan's ability to contribute to his son's education. (2) The condemnation & eviction of the goat which Hughes has brought into the College. (3) The discussion of the school report with Budworth. As the Chapter broke up, Lady Scarbrough appeared with Stephen Graham. I gave the keys of the Strong room to the Sub–dean in order that he might shew them the Cuthbert's relics. After lunch I went off to Manchester; journeying comfortably enough save for an inrush of soldiers & others at one station. They all got out at the first opportunity, & I had no further discomfort. A gentleman (who said that his name was Greenhouse) addressed me, saying that he had heard me preach at the Hampstead Garden suburb. His wife said that she had been through Serbia, & was now engaged in lecturing on the Serbians. On arriving at Manchester I drove in a taxi to 65 Ardwick Green, where Canon Scott received me. The Bishop of Ely had already arrived. He is to be the preacher tomorrow. We had some pleasant conversation at dinner & afterwards. Welldon was one of the party. The ladies had been to see the Somme Films, & were loud in their approbation of them, but I gathered that the Bishop & mine host were rather disposed to share my objection. Welldon, as might be expected, took the popular view.