The Henson Journals

Fri 25 August 1916

Volume 20, Page 432


Friday, August 25th, 1916.

753rd day

A wet warm day very unfavourable to work. I worked at the Article, but I must have more elbow–room than it affords if the 'Report' is to be dealt with effectively. Gee told me that Balfour never attended any of the meetings of the Committee: & that the Duke of Devonshire attended but twice, & then mainly went to sleep! Also, that the Bishop of Liverpool took practically no part in the proceedings, & was hardly ever present. It is easy to see that the Ctee resolved itself quickly and comfortably into a family party of neo–Anglicans. In spite of the rain, Olive and I walked for an hour and a half, & were much better for it. On my return I wrote to Mary Radford, from whom I received a long letter this morning. I attended Evensong. After dinner Olive shewed me her Hospital book, filled with sketches & verses by her soldier–patients. There runs through most of these a note of genuine regard, which is creditable to her, and to them. Then she sang: & afterwards I read poetry.

Mr Morgan writes to say that he could no longer contribute to his son's education, & that he would take steps to secure some work for him. I wrote to ask him two questions. 1. What Arthur's own feelings on the subject were? 2. Whether he (Mr M.) could contribute anything? I incline to suspect that, having told me so much adverse to the present condition of the school, Arthur's courage has failed him in prospect of an interview with the Head–master.