The Henson Journals

Wed 9 August 1916

Volume 20, Page 458


Wednesday, August 9th, 1916.

737th day

About 11.30 p.m. my electric light went unsteady, & then went out suddenly. This indicated the approach of Zeppelins. However, I went to bed. About 1 a.m. I was awaked by the sounds of exploding bombs, & the whirring of a machine. I got up & dressed hastily. For two hours we (for Ella had followed suit, & the maids had descended from their bedrooms to the wine–cellar) were in the College, listening & waiting. About 3 a.m. we returned to bed, and an hour later the electric light assured us again of security.

It is reported that very little injury was caused by the bombs. At one place the Zeppelins appear to have mistaken a burning slag heap for a munitions factory, and poured bombs into it. It is alleged that the 'Terror that flieth by night' was plainly visible from Palace Green: and that, among many other places, Jarrow was bombed. I wrote to Lady Scarbrough 'crying off' our engagement to spend the next week–end with her. It would be highly indecent for the Dean to be absent from the wrecking of the Cathedral!

Pearce arrived just before Evensong: and Penelope with her attendant nurse followed shortly afterwards.