The Henson Journals

Sun 11 June 1916

Volume 20, Page 572


Whitsunday, June 11th, 1916.

678th day

A dull damp morning, very depressing. I ran round to Ernest's room, to report my bath–room empty & ready for his use; and thus made sure that he was awake, and preparing himself for what must be a very solemnly important communion for him, and might even be his last. Indeed, for all of us, after all that has passed these ten days past, this Holy Eucharist of Whit Sunday ought to mean much. May the Holy Spirit help our infirmities, & make possible the fulfilment of our vows! I celebrated at 8 a.m. All the Canons communicated, a godly & pleasant spectacle. The number of lay communicants seemed to be very large. Among them were Col: Darwin & his wife with their naval boy. Ella and Ernest knelt together at the rail. At the Choral Eucharist I preached on Rom: VII. 14. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God": & Gal. V. 18. "But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law". Lord Durham brought two of his sisters to church, and himself occupied the Bishop's stall, which I allow him to use in his capacity as Lord Lieutenant. After service I took him into the Cathedral, and expounded to him my scheme for filling the empty niches of the Neville Screen, as a Memorial to the soldiers & sailors of Durham. He expressed himself as cordially favourable. Later, I discussed the matter with Cruickshank, who was also friendly to it, but anxious about the ideals. Lord Durham and his sisters lunched here, & were very agreeable. I attended Evensong, and heard an excellent sermon from Dawson Walker, the Principal of St John's College in this city. A very pretty little lady, the wife of one of the assistant schoolmasters, Little, came to tea, & also the Dolphins. I walked with Ernest & Hugh after tea. Hugh went back to his duties after dinner: & Ernest read poetry to us.