The Henson Journals

Sat 10 June 1916

Volume 20, Page 574


Saturday, June 10th, 1916.

677th day

I wrote a long letter to Ernest Pearce: also to Lord Haldane returning the book (Flexner's 'Prostitution in Europe') which he lent me when I was last in London: also to Carissima.

After breakfast I walked with Ernest to Dr Stenhouse's residence, and consulted that good man as to the proper procedure by which Ernest could secure an extension of his leave, if such were needed.

We lunched with the Bishop of Jarrow, who was entertaining the Bishop of Newcastle & Mrs Wilde. The Bishop addressed the members of the Sunday School Union in the Cathedral at 2.15 p.m. I attended Evensong. Hugh Lyon and his mother arrived at tea–time. We all walked for an hour after tea. Hughes & his wife, and Fearne Booker came to dinner.

From the "Spectator" I extract the following, which I hope has been 'read, marked, learned, & inwardly digested' by Sir A. Markham & Lord Northcliffe. It is headed.

Lord Kitchener and his Traducers.

You, who with poisoned pen and art malign

So long have striven his power to undermine,

Now that a crafty and relentless foe

Has laid the greatest of our War Lords low,

Have yet the sickening impudence to bewail

The man you clawed with daily tooth and nail!

"Judas despairing died, his guilt confessed":

You live, and with fresh falsehood clean your breast.

But there are Englishmen who hold more vile

Than Hunnish shark the home–bred crocodile. G.