The Henson Journals

Mon 14 February 1916

Volume 20, Page 655


Monday, February 14th, 1916.

560th day

The weather has become wintry. Today we oscillate between sunshine and blizzards. I spent the morning in revising the proofs of the Robertson booklet, and in writing a short preface for it. These I sent to the publisher. After lunch we journey to Wynyard, by railway to Stockton, and thereafter by cab. Mrs Saunders the wife of Balfour's erstwhile secretary was also staying in the house. Lady Londonderry seemed very vigourous, & talked with much vivacity. There came to dinner only Col: & Mrs Rowland Burdon, and Captn & Mrs Appleby. Our conversation was as political, vehement, & futile as might be expected. Into the general chorus of denunciation of the artisans for corruption, jobbery &c &c I interposed some observations on their success in following the precedents set them by the classes who had preceded them in the exercise of political functions! This was a novel, and not very palatable, point of view, but it could not be, and was not, disputed. Lang had been staying at Wynyard when he came to address the C.E.M.S. in Stockton. It is characteristic of that saintly man to pitch his tent within aristocratic houses! I must needs take note of the fact that he has been able to visit both Lumley and Wynyard though his exacting engagements do not allow him to visit Durham!!