The Henson Journals

Tue 1 February 1916

Volume 20, Page 629


Tuesday, February 1st, 1916.

547th day

I spent the day in preparations for tomorrow's journey. In response to a telephone message from the station I went thither, and found that the Brighton people had communicated with them about my ticket, & arranged for a first class return to Brighton. This was a welcome surprise. I dined quietly with the Cruickshanks, and then returned to the odious & baffling task of clearing up my room. The accumulated confusion of months is not to be conjured into order by a few magic touches, & I found midnight was approaching while my labours were unfinished. I made a final revision of my unhappy Lecture: and completed the Sermon. The publishers say that they are looking out a portrait of Robertson, wherewith to grace the published lecture. This will be a great addition to the little memorial.