The Henson Journals

Thu 27 January 1916

Volume 20, Page 625


Thursday, January 27th, 1916.

542nd day

Into the Form of Commemoration I have inserted the following:

'Moreover we must needs remember before God today all who have gone forth from our City and County to fight the good fight of Righteousness and Liberty against the armed forces of Oppression, and of them more especially those who have fallen valourously, as befits true men, in the service of their King and Country. We thank Almighty God for this good example of loyalty and courage: and lovingly we commend their souls to His infinite Mercy, fully persuaded that they who have trusted in Him shall not be put to shame.'

The Choral Eucharist was very stately & moving. About a dozen honorary canons came into the procession and they with the King's Scholars, Budworth, Wilson, & Archdeacon Derry made an imposing addition to our normal number. The whole Foundation attended, & communicated. I never heard the Choir sing with better taste and feeling. We were out of the Cathedral by 12.20 p.m. Then, at 1.30 p.m., followed lunch at the Deanery. We actually numbered 33, for of those who had accepted invitations four were unable to attend. Before rising from table I read a letter from the Bishop expressing regret at his unavoidable absence, and added a few observations. The Procession at Evensong was imposing. We went all round the Church including both the Galilee & the Nine Altars. Chancellor Smith walked beside me, making a striking figure in his red robe & and wig. I read the Form of Commemoration from the Pulpit. There was a fair congregation considering the hour, and the lack of a sermon. The Choir sang with notable ardour: &, indeed, it was altogether an uplifting service.