The Henson Journals

Wed 24 November 1915

Volume 20, Page 501


Wednesday, November 24th, 1915.

478th day

Mr Horsley from Hartlepool came to see me, and stayed to lunch. He is a successful merchant, very anxious not to fall under the temptations incident to money–making, and eager to do good in such ways as are open to him. He has a great admiration for A. L. Smith, whose influence is evidently strong on him. I went into the Great Library to walk, as the weather is still cold & raw, &, while I was there, a party of wounded soldiers were brought in by the verger. I took charge of them, & shewed them over the Deanery.

Bishop Jewell was hardly a believer in Apostolical succession: "God's grace is promised to a good mind, & to any one that feareth Him, not unto sees and successions." I wish the English Bishops spoke in that way now.