The Henson Journals

Sun 21 November 1915

Volume 20, Page 497


25th Sunday after Trinity, November 21st, 1915.

475th day

A bright frosty morning. I attended the Military Service, and read the Lesson. Dennett preached. The sharp weather has made the coughing fast & furious. Probably he secured as much attention as could reasonably be expected. The men sang "For ever with the Lord" with some heartiness. That is one of the "undenominational" hymns, familiar therefore to the Dissenters as well as to the Churchmen. I did not attend Mattins but finished the sermon for Wynyard, & wrote to Carissima.

We motored to Wynyard but arrived nearly half an hour late for lunch! The party consisted of Lord Durham, Mr Marriott, Mr Walter Long, Mr & Mrs Dillon, & Lady Londonderry. After lunch we walked in the grounds, and did much talking. At 5.45 p.m. was Chapel service: I preached the dull sermon I had prepared with so much labour. The text was S. Paul's words: "God is faithful". This connected itself with the Harvest, for which the service was a Thanksgiving, and (less obviously) with Foreign Missions for which a collection was taken. Then we motored back to Durham, arriving about 9 p.m. Mr Long spoke very strongly about the ill conduct of the "Times", to which he ascribed the lowering of British credit which expresses itself in the adverse rate of exchange with America. He himself would have desired to suppress the "Times" and the "Daily Mail" along with the "Globe".