The Henson Journals

Sat 2 October 1915

Volume 20, Page 421


Saturday, October 2nd, 1915.

425th day

The Pembers went off to Oxford after breakfast: and we left soon afterwards. Colonel Darwin travelled with us as far as Doncaster. We arrived at No 17 Dean's Yard about 5 p.m. After tea I sate talking with mine host until dinner–time. Mrs Chamberlain, the widow of the late statesman, came to dine, a very pretty and charming woman. Also Mr & Mrs Chapin, the one silent & suppressed as ever, the other still a geyser of platitudes! If fertility in phrases could ever serve as a substitute for knowledge & thought, here were a wise woman indeed! After dinner I sate a–talking with Carnegie, until past 1 a.m., and then to bed.