The Henson Journals

Thu 30 September 1915

Volume 20, Page 419


Thursday, September 30th, 1915.

423rd day

The morning paper announces the appointment of Archdeacon Wild of Nottingham to be Bishop of Newcastle. He is said to be 50 years old, and a moderate man. But I notice that he owes his present position to the Bishop of Southwell – a very narrow High Churchman. On the other hand, he contributed to 'Contentio Veritatis', which would suggest that he has sympathies with the 'liberal' clergy. We must 'wait and see' how he will turn out. I wrote to welcome him to the North. I attended Mattins in the Cathedral: and afterwards went over the building with Frank & his wife. We made a little motor expedition during the afternoon, visiting Brancepeth, Sherburn, and Pittington, and winding up at Finchale Priory, where we had tea at the farmhouse. On returning to the Deanery, I wrote letters. Youd tells me that his name is not uncommon in Cheshire, and that his family was of Huguenot extraction. Probably its original spelling was Eudes. The Bishop of Jarrow & Mrs Quirk together with Mrs Lillingston made up our dinner–party.