The Henson Journals

Wed 22 September 1915

Volume 20, Page 405


Wednesday, September 22nd, 1915.

415th day

McKenna's budget includes an addition to the Income Tax of 40 per cent. I am not sure what this will mean precisely for me, but as we all expected the tax to be doubled, it is clear that our worst fears will not be realized. I started on a sermon for Stanhope next Sunday evening, but did not make much progress. A reference to Butler's 'Analogy' is inevitable in the parish where he wrote it, and the argument of the immortal book is not wholly remote from a Harvest Thanksgiving, but one is easily led into notions beyond the appreciation of the rustics. I attended Evensong, & then took Logic for a walk. On returning to the house I wrote to Ella, & at some length to Foakes–Jackson. Then I dined alone with Meade–Faulkener very pleasantly. He shewed me two most magnificent missals. On leaving him about 10.30 p.m. I found it difficult to get myself to go indoors, so wonderful did the Cathedral look in the moon–light.