The Henson Journals

Tue 21 September 1915

Volume 20, Page 403


Tuesday, September 21st, 1915.

414th day

Ralph & Kitty went away after breakfast. Christian went with them. Then Ella & Mrs Berry went to Scotland: & I went to Mattins in the Cathedral. Next I turned my thoughts to the preparation of the sermon for the cryptic Huguenots. The occasion, as described by the pastor, is a two–fold celebration – Thanksgiving for Deliverance from the Spanish Armada, and also for the Reformation inaugurated by Luther's Theses. I began to read a Jesuit life of the great Reformer ("Luther" by Hartman Grisar S.J. 1913) and found it extremely interesting, as well as very informing. I received a very pleasant letter form Olive, & also one from Cummings. I attended Evensong, shewed Mrs Craven & her sister over the Deanery, & took Logic for a walk. Then I wrote to Ella, enclosing for her reading, Cummings's letter which was communicative in unusual degree.