The Henson Journals

Sat 4 September 1915

Volume 20, Page 371


Saturday, September 4th, 1915.

397th day

The 'Church Times' reports a pronouncement on the Archbishop's "Kikuyu statement" published, & to be published, in the Oxford Diocesan Magazine. It is aggressively and almost brutally expressed. It must, however, remain for the present without criticism or reply. I took our guests round the cathedral, which was looking its best in the warm sun–light. Then Ella went off with the Charnwoods to lunch with the High Sheriff, Sir Alfred Palmer: and I talked with Heather Nepean about St Margaret's until lunch time. She says that Sir Henry Craik, Mr Fedarb, and Mr Rutt all read the lessons on occasion. This concession to vanity will cover a multitude of Rectorial transgressions. Bayley and Caröe were at lunch. I attended Evensong, and afterwards took a long walk with Caröe. Logic went with us, & excelled himself in perverse waywardness. Lillingston came in to dinner. The conversation turned too much on the faults & eccentricities of Deans & Chapters to be either judicious or charitable.

Issues and controversies: Kikuyu