The Henson Journals

Fri 27 August 1915

Volume 20, Page 357


Friday, August 27th, 1915.

389th day

Brest Litovsk, the last of the great Russian Fortresses, has fallen! It now seems doubtful what the objective of the German Armies really is, for Moscow is perhaps even more accessible than Petrograd. Meanwhile, 7000 Welsh miners have gone on strike! In the course of my afternoon's walk I fell in with Rogerson, & had some talk with him. He says that the Roman Catholics, (of whom he has many related to him,) are furious with the Pope, & indulging in a kind of language about his Holiness, which is equally novel and suggestive. As usual he complains of the dearth of good officers, & the inadequacy of the new men. Young Darwin, who is back from Flanders on short leave, reports that everybody is reconciling himself to a continuance of the trench–warfare, as neither side can now hope to break through the other. It is a wretched kind of warfare.

This morning brought a letter from an 'Unitarian Christian' minister, who desires to connect himself with the Church of England. This decision he connects with a speech of mine which he heard 3 years ago, in Horton's chapel at Hampstead on the occasion of a celebration of the 250th anniversary of the ejection of the Nonconformists.


Ella went off to Harrogate to visit a Friend, and did not return before 9 p.m.: the train being very late.