The Henson Journals

Thu 12 August 1915

Volume 20, Page 325


Thursday, August 12th, 1915.

374th day

Muir Mackenzie went for a final walk round the Cathedral before taking his departure. After seeing him off I prepared for publication a series of 20 sermons preached during the last 12 months, and later in the day sent them in a registered parcel to Macmillan. These "War–time Sermons" will perhaps, form a volume of between 250 and 300 pages. After Evensong I took Gerald for a walk; but the atmosphere was too thunderous for enjoyment. He took his departure about 7 p.m. intending to journey into Wales by the night trains.


Freeman came to report that the police had sent warning that Zeppelins were on their way to these parts. This news produced a general insanity, in the course of which Mrs Smith took a header down the stairs, and made such demonstrations of damage that I hurried off to the porch to telephone for Dr Stuart!