The Henson Journals

Wed 11 August 1915

Volume 20, Page 325


Wednesday, August 11th, 1915.

373rd day

I took Muir Mackenzie & Gerald in the motor to Raby, which we viewed under the house–keeper's guidance. As we left the castle, we fell in with Lord Barnard. He said that he had found three red deer does dead through lightning during yesterday's storm. The creatures had taken sanctuary under a tree, & perished by its fatal neighbourhood. I had some interesting conversation with my guest as we drove homewards. He says that he cannot reconcile the society which we know and Christianity. I say that Christianity has nothing directly to do with any society: & that every society can serve its turn. But I am not wholly contented with my arguments. Boutflower lunched here: & afterwards he & I attended a most tiresome meeting of the Governors of Sherburn Hospital. Later I took Muir Mackenzie for a walk through Houghall Wood, & home by way of the Banks. He was admirably appreciative of the views, both of the country & of the Cathedral. Olive with her mother & her brother arrived on a visit.

A letter from George Macmillan arrived, accepting a volume of war–sermons. After dinner Olive sang some of her songs. Her voice is richer & more under her control than it was. Indeed I think that her singing is altogether on a higher plane.