The Henson Journals

Fri 4 June 1915

Volume 20, Page 237


Friday, June 4th, 1915.

305th day

A most glorious day, but almost too warm. The Fall of Pryemysl is reported, & the Austro–German advance on Lemberg [sic]. Everywhere else nothing of consequence is reported. I worked at the sermon, & finished it. Sykes, Roberson, Macdonald, & Hopkinson came to lunch with two ladies. Old Dr Greenwell, our famous antiquary, now 95 years old, came across in his chair, & inspected the Deanery. He inquired of me with much appearance of concern whether it were indeed the case that the Acca Cross was to be returned to Hexham. "I would never have presented it to the Dean & Chapter if I had thought that was possible". I told him that the silly rumours had no better foundation than a jest, the Rector of Hexham having expressed his desire for the Cross, and I having replied mockingly, 'Ah: wouldn't that be nice!' But how such things get repeated, I marvel.

Later, Cruickshank came in. He says that the Council had offered the headship of the Women's Hostel to Helen Watkins!