The Henson Journals

Sat 22 May 1915

Volume 20, Page 219


Saturday, May 22nd, 1915.

292nd day

Fawkes went away after breakfast. I presided at a meeting of the Chapter. Macartney attended, and presented his report: also Gayner, who is unduly talkative. We deferred the decision on the work in the Choir. Then we held an audit of the six months accounts. The income tax begins to attain a sinister prominence. I attended Evensong: and walked round Houghall Wood with Linetta. Hutton arrived just before dinner. Italy appears to have reached at last the decision to join the Allies against Germany & Austria. The fact has aroused immense enthusiasm throughout the kingdom: and one can but hope that it will have some effect in hastening the conclusion of the war. But there must needs be some room for anxiety as to the military competence of the Italian army. The evening papers report a dreadful railway accident near Carlisle. A troop–train filled with soldiers was in collision, & then took fire, with the result that 31 were killed, and ten times as many wounded. Much indignation is expressed in many quarters against Lord Northcliffe, who has used his power as owner of the 'Times', 'Daily Mail', and 'Evening Express', to make a direct & violent attack on Lord Kitchener, as personally responsible for the shortage of high explosive shells.