The Henson Journals

Sun 9 May 1915

Volume 20, Page 209


5th Sunday after Easter, May 9th, 1915. Bristol.

279th day

Ella and I rose early and received the Holy Communion together in S. Paul's Church, which we discovered after vain essays. There was a considerable number of communicants: special prayers for the soldiers &c., were said after the administration, & before the Lord's Prayer. At 10.30 a.m. there was Mattins in the Cathedral. I preached to a considerable congregation. This is a pleasing church of which the nave is modern, a work of Street's. The Chapter–house (late–Norman) is a gem. In the afternoon we were taken by our host to see the noble park, & its fine prospect over the Avon. The river runs through a considerable gulley or canyon, of which the sides are thickly wooded. At tea–time Bishop Nickson appeared. He is evidently worried by his Ritualists, of whom Gillson, the Bishop of London's former chaplain is the leader. Before going to the Cathedral for the Evensong service, Ella & I called on the Dean – a frail & aged man – who seemed pleased to see us. There was a very large congregation at the evening service, & the singing was very hearty. I preached again, & was listened to with very close attention.