The Henson Journals

Mon 22 February 1915

Volume 20, Page 155


Monday, February 22nd, 1915.

203rd day

Bombs dropped in Essex: & ships sunk in the Atlantic. Westcott told me that he had once asked & obtained his father's permission to edit the Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews for use in schools: but that, he had abandoned the attempt because he found himself so frequently unable to accept his father's views. He told me this in rejoinder to an observation of mine that, whereas at my Ordination I had thought his father's Commentary on St John entirely convincing, it now seemed to me intolerably irrelevant, "an echo from a vanished controversial past". All our guests went off by early morning trains after breakfast. After lunch I walked with Cruickshank. Dawson Walker called on me to recommend one of his men for appointment to one of our livings. It seemed, however, a hopeless case.