The Henson Journals

Mon 8 February 1915

Volume 20, Page 143


Monday, February 8th, 1915.

189th day

The tidings of Lord Londonderry's death was brought to me about noon. I was beginning to feel a genuine regard for him: & both he & his wife shewed us much kindness. They were particularly pleasant when last I saw them on Advent Sunday (q.v.) He was a kind landlord & employer: in both capacities he will be greatly regretted. Then came a letter from Carissima, saying that the police had actually been harrying that guileless saint. Such is the insight & charity of the spy–maniacal Briton! Finally, a telegram arrived with the news that Mrs Berry's eldest son had died. This distressing occurrence, for the lad was but 20 years old, grieved the poor woman mightily, & she must needs hasten to Aberdeen by the midnight train. There arrived from Harding the parcel of books which I ordered some days ago, including Blackstone & Thompson on Magna Carta.