The Henson Journals

Sat 6 February 1915

Volume 20, Page 141


Saturday, February 6th, 1915.

187th day

A dull day & raining from start to finish, infinitely depressing. The Chapter at 11 a.m. was a small one, the Bishop & Lillingston being absent, but we got through a lot of business. Macartney attended & made report on the vaulting. We sanctioned his proposal, & accepted Gaymer's estimates of some £3000. Then we appointed two beadsmen– Caldcleugh & Mowbray. I undertook to write formally to Miss Crawhall, thanking her for the books. Then I called attention to the state of the muniments in the Treasury, & moved this resolution, which was passed: "That a small Committee be appointed to ascertain the best means of arranging and cataloguing the documents now kept in the Treasury, & to report to the Chapter on March 6th: and that this Ctee make a list of such MSS. & Seals as may seem suitable for exhibition in the Library, & present it for the consideration of the Chapter." The Ctee was ordered to consist of the Dean & Treasurer with the Librarian & Bayley. It was also agreed to remove the Cuthbert Relics & other treasures from the Library to a safer place. Bayley, Hughes & I did effect such removal, placing the treasures in the Deanery cellar, & depositing the key thereof in the college safe.