The Henson Journals

Thu 4 February 1915

Volume 20, Page 139


Thursday, February 4th, 1915.

185th day

My morning's reading – in which none the less I finished McKechnie – was interrupted by the visit of a parson, who said he hailed from Uganda, & had come to Durham for the pious purpose of visiting Bishop Tucker's grave. I asked him to lunch, & we had an agreeable tête–à–tête, as Ella kept her bedroom with a cold. I attended Evensong in the Cathedral, & after the service we motored to Sunderland, where I dined with the Mayor and Mrs Richardson, and then delivered a Magic–lantern–Lecture on my visit to the Yellowstone Park in the Subscription Library Hall. There was a fair assembly, & the proceeds were devoted to the Local Relief Fund. I returned to Durham immediately after the Lecture, and arrived in the Deanery about 10.15 p.m. Then I 'mooned away' a couple of hours, & so to bed.