The Henson Journals

Mon 28 December 1914

Volume 20, Page 103


Monday, December 28th, 1914.

147th day

I wrote a short address for the children's service, & then shewed Lord Robert Cecil over the house, & the cathedral. He was a vigourous & conscientious visitor, & mounted the tower of the Cathedral. The children's carol service at 3 p.m. was a pleasing service. Watkins alone of the canons resident was absent, & when I met him & taxed him with the fact, he feigned to think that he was not intended to be present!! Then I drafted a letter about the Commemoration Service on the 29th inst: & took it across to Hughes for the printer. I wrote to Inge on the same subject. Linetta began to teach me Italian, but it is in the last degree improbable that I shall persist with it.