The Henson Journals

Tue 8 December 1914

Volume 20, Page 85


Tuesday, December 8th, 1914.

127th day

A violent wind, and sharp oscillations of temperature. This can hardly be the weather which Count Zeppelin prays for. I wrote several letters which were overdue viz: to Bain in Poona, & to Prof. Moore in Harvard, to Linetta, sending her the proof of my Oxford Sermon, & to Aubrey. Ellison writes to me from Birmingham saying that the Bishop had just appointed him to the living of S. Nicholas in that city. Here is a man with no interest of any kind, with no degree save a late–gained A.K.C., and with no special gifts, who gets his settled position in the hierarchy within 9 years of his Ordination. The net value of the benefice is set down at £285, & the population at 4191. I wrote to Gore, thanking him for his Charge, & expressing frankly my opinion of it.