The Henson Journals

Sat 21 November 1914

Volume 20, Page 69


Saturday, November 21st, 1914.

110th day

The Chapter Meeting & Audit occupied the whole morning. Thanks to the war, our financial outlook is worse than it has been for many years. The estimate for altering the lighting in the Sanctuary was approved. We agreed to increase the wages of the workmen by two shillings per week. I attended Evensong in the Cathedral. Hughes went with me to the rooms of the Y.M.C.A., which, though poky & small, are more convenient than I supposed. Cummings went to Newcastle, & fetched back the car, to which, however, nothing had been done. The War provides an excuse for everything! I wrote to the youth Reich, who prayed for my assistance in order that he might start residence at Keble, that on a review of my circumstances I could not add to my financial responsibilities. It really distressed me to do this, but the prospect of the doubled income tax paralyzes charity itself! I had a long letter from Dicey, commenting on my Article 'Christianity & War', which I had sent him. He is now about 80 years old, and his mental vivacity seems to show no sign of failure, while he retains all his interests. Also, he uses a type–writer with his own hand.