The Henson Journals

Thu 19 November 1914

Volume 20, Page 67


Thursday, November 19th, 1914.

108th day

At noon there was a memorial service for Lord Roberts in the Cathedral. The Mayor & Corporation, the University, & about 400 men of Colonel Blackett's command attended. Bayley lunched here, & afterwards accompanied me to the Chapter House, where I received the deputation of Chapter Workmen. We shall have to raise their wages. Later I attended the Mayor's Committee for Entertainment of Soldiers. We decided to rent the Shakespeare Hall for 30/. per week, & to make use of the Y.M.C.A. rooms, & the Constitutional Club. Also we decided to form 4 sub–committees viz: Refreshments with Mayoress for Chairman: Entertainments under the Precentor: Sundays under Dean: Management under Caldcleugh. There is much uncertainty as to the number of men likely to be in Durham, & the duration of their stay here. There is talk of another Battalion coming to Sherburn: & the 'Pals' will continue at 'Cocken Hall'.