The Henson Journals

Sat 10 October 1914 to Tue 13 October 1914

Volume 20, Page 33


October 10th, 1914. Manchester.

On Saturday, October 10th, I travelled to Manchester in order to fulfil various engagements. I was hospitably received by Bishop Welldon. The next day (18th Sunday after Trinity) I preached twice in the cathedral to great congregations. The one sermon on 'Christianity & War' was addressed to Railway–men assembled for their annual Parade. The other on 'Reaping & Sowing' was addressed to the general congregation. On the next day (Monday, the 12th of October) I went to Leeds, and there attended the meeting of the Council of the Ripon Clergy School. There was a large attendance of Governors, and the atmosphere was electric: but, on Bishop Boyd–Carpenter's motion, a healing resolution was adopted, & the really serious business was referred to a special committee, of which I was made a member. Mrs Travers Lewis & Bishop Mercer, lately of Tasmania, arrived to visit Bishop Welldon. On Tuesday (Oct. 13th) I went into the city, and had my hair cut in a barber's establishment to which mine host led me. In the afternoon I made a vain attempt to see the Bishop of Manchester, and in the evening I delivered a 'Deansgate Lecture' in the Milton Hall, Deansgate, on the "The Issue of Kikuyu". Bishops Welldon & Mercer accompanied me, and the audience numbered about 200: but not only had the war destroyed all interest in the subject, but also there was proceeding at the time a rival attraction in the form of a great public meeting on "The War & Drink", at which all the Total–abstinent idols were announced to speak.

Issues and controversies: Kikuyu