The Henson Journals

Wed 9 September 1914

Volume 20, Page 13


Wednesday, September 9th, 1914.

36th day

Dull thunderous day with rain in the afternoon. I finished a short sermon for next Sunday afternoon, & attended Evensong in the Cathedral. Bothamley called on me, & obtained two guineas for his Y.M.C.A. I grudge the money, which I cannot afford, & which I suspect is not well bestowed. He began to talk about Evangelical interpretation of the Apocalypse, but I cut him short with the curt declaration that I knew nothing about the subject & cared less! Be it noted that I had my hair cut by the Durham hair–dresser – a bold undertaking!

I wrote to Jack Boden & Harold Knowling in response to enquiries as to their duty, saying that the claim of the country at this juncture was primary, & that they ought to enlist.