The Henson Journals

Fri 4 September 1914

Volume 20, Page 7


Friday, September 4th, 1914.

31st day

A Dutch eye–witness's account of the destruction of Louvain discloses an almost unimaginable cruelty in the Germans. Surely the effect of such horrors must be unfavourable to the German cause. The policy of 'frightful examples' may easily be overdone. After tea we took our guests to see the ruins of Finchale Priory. The trees growing with the walls have been cut down, & the mighty trunks of the ivy cut through. We admired the size & soundness of the trees, mostly ash. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Durham Emergency League. On my way through the streets I read the announcement that Captain Shafto had been killed in the recent fighting. This is tragic news for his parents. Their other son was killed in the South African War.

The announcement of the Papal Election is made. Cardinal della Chiesa, Archbishop of Bologna, has been chosen. He is of a noble Genoese family, and has been closely associated with Cardinal Rampolla. He has taken the official name of Benedict XV, possibly indicating that he designs to be conciliatory & moderate after the manner of Benedict XIV.