The Henson Journals

Thu 3 September 1914

Volume 20, Page 7


Thursday, September 3rd, 1914.

30th day

The first list of British casualties appears in the newspapers, names of officers only. 35 killed, 51 wounded, 69 missing. These are but the first drops in an ocean of blood. Mainly the news this morning is disconcerting. The Germans are steadily forcing back the Allies in Northern France, & have taken Amiens. They have beaten the Russians badly in East Prussia; against this there is nothing to set but a rather nebulous defeat of the Austrians in Galicia. At noon a telegram was posted in the town stating that the French government had removed to Bordeaux. Clearly the German attack is still being pressed with irresistible strength.

Sir Thomas Jackson Bt., the architect, and his son, came to lunch, & afterwards went over the house, & mounted to the kitchen roof.