The Henson Journals

Tue 24 March 1914

Volume 19, Page 141



Tuesday, March 24th, 1914.

Last night's debate must damage the credit of the Government very seriously. The attempt to coerce the officers into surrendering their scruples, & the rapid backing–down before their resistance form an exhibition of feebleness immensely discreditable in itself, & bound to draw in its train a long train of mischiefs. Balfour made a powerful attack on the Ministry, & tore to shreds their explanations of the sudden crisis. It is hard not to suspect that there really has been a shameful conspiracy against the Prime Minister within his own cabinet. The speeches of Winston Churchill at Bradford, & Lloyd–George at Huddersfield, coinciding with the truculent utterances of Redmond & Devlin, and going long with these strange military happenings seem to point to an attempt to force an explosion in Ulster. Lord Roberts & the Abp. of Canterbury have been visiting the King as well as the Ministers. The effect on the Empire, & on the Continent must be disastrous.

Issues and controversies: irish home rule