The Henson Journals

Sun 15 March 1914

Volume 19, Page 131


3rd Sunday in Lent, March 15th, 1914.


The "Spectator" has an article headed "Pulpit & Pew" which is mainly a review of my little collection of sermons called "Notes of my Ministry". It is rather friendly than approving. I am said to represent, & express, "the point of view of the average lay Churchman". This is doubtful praise indeed!

I celebrated after Mattins in the Cathedral. The new honorary Canon, Archdale, was instituted. We lunched with the Archdeacon to meet him & his family.

At Evensong – the special preacher, Alexander from St Paul's, having failed – I preached in the cathedral, & immediately afterwards motored with my wife to Hebburn upon Tyne, where I repeated the sermon to a congregation of working folks. We motored back to Durham through very heavy rain, & reached home about 9.30 p.m.