The Henson Journals

Sat 22 November 1913

Volume 19, Page 64



Saturday, November 22nd, 1913. Worcester.

I left Durham at 10.29: and reached Worcester about 4.30, changing only at Birmingham.

Inge has a letter backing up my attitude on the Bishop of K.'s "Clergy Protest", from the point of view of an advocate of female suffrage.

The Deanery here is the old episcopal palace, which was applied to its present use about the year 1860. It is a great medieval house with Georgian additions. The drawing room – 55 feet long – is a noble apartment; and the vaulted chamber underneath is scarcely inferior. There is a charming chapel with Jacobean screen, panelling, & benching. The view from the windows over the Severn is magnificent.

I was housed in 'the King's room', a lofty panelled room so designated from George III who occupied it. The Dean tells me that the actual value of the Deanery is about £1700 per annum.

There was a dinner party. The Bishop of Worcester & his daughter were among the guests.

Issues and controversies: female suffrage