The Henson Journals

Thu 23 October 1913 to Sat 25 October 1913

Volume 19, Pages 33 to 34


Thursday, October 23rd, 1913.

I worked at a sermon for Cardiff most part of the morning: attended Evensong in the Cathedral: and afterwards spent an hour & a half at a tiresome meeting of the Theological Faculty. Then I came home to dinner, & afterwards dictated letters for an hour to Noel.

I received "with the Author's compliments" a copy of Violet Markham's volume "The South African Scene".

On Friday afternoon, there was a numerously attended meeting of the Diocesan Refuge & Rescue work held in our drawing room. The Bishop was in the chair, & Mrs Gow was the chief speaker.


On Friday evening Gow and Clarence Stock arrived. On Saturday morning I took Gow for a walk round the wood. The views of the Cathedral in the bright sunlight framed in autumnal colourings were glorious. At 1 p.m. there was a little service for the Diocesan Ringers' Association in the Cathedral. I gave an address to about 33 men, seated in the Choir stalls.

Tollinton, the Vicar of St Cuthbert's, came to lunch in order to settle the method of dedicating his new vestry &c. Boden arrived for the week end. After Evensong in the Cathedral I shewed him & Stock over the Church & Library.

Gabrielsson, the little Swedish pastor, came for the week end.

We entertained at dinner the following:–

  • Gee & his wife
  • Cooper & his wife & daughter
  • Poole & his wife
  • Miss Simey
  • Miss Watkins

These with our priests staying in the house, and ourselves made a party of 16.