The Henson Journals

Wed 22 October 1913

Volume 19, Page 32


Wednesday, October 22nd, 1913.

Mitford Mitchell walked with me to St Giles's, and there we were shown the new Chapel of the Thistle. It is very small, & contains 19 stalls viz: one (raised) for the King, and on either side 16 for the Knights. Facing the King's stall is the Chair of Admission, a Lectern, & a seat for the Dean of the Thistle. The carving is very elaborate & beautiful: and the stained glass of the window is pleasing.

Then we returned to the house, & lunched together, after which we bade one another farewell, & I went off to Newcastle, where I arrived about 5 p.m.

I presided in St James's Congregational Church over a meeting designed to commemorate the centenary of the local branch of the London Missionary Society. The two speakers were Principal Ritchie, a former minister of the church, and Mr Piggott, the co–adjutor of Sylvester Horne. It was curious to notice how the latter had picked up Horne's tricks of speech and action. In the course of the proceedings three deputations from other missionary societies were introduced. Of these one was from the Church Missionary SocietyCanon Hamer. After the meeting I went back to Durham, arriving about 10.30 p.m. I found Mrs Gow at the Deanery.